07939 544413 stuart@limeslade.com
Limeslade Team Values - BD, Events and Marketing

Our Team and Values

Discover the Limeslade team and our values – if we can help you in any way at all, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Stuart Wilks

After finishing University, Stuart helped grow a construction consultancy founded by an internationally respected expert. Stuart helped the business grow to become one of the world’s most highly regarded in its field. After the sale of the firm to Hill International, he continued to develop the business around the world.

Stuart studied a law degree (LLB) at Birkbeck College, London. More recently, he completed an MBA focusing on construction and real estate management. He has developed a great network of friends and contacts within the legal and construction professions and is a chartered member of the CIOB.

Annie Clift

Following several years with Hill International, Annie joined the team in 2018. She is a friendly marketing and event management professional with a common-sense approach. Her innovative ideas and dedication ensure Limeslade can provide the service you expect. Annie is also a great writer and is skilled with email and letters, brochure and website content, articles and blogs.

During her time at Hill International Annie quickly developed a reputation for attention to detail. Annie can advise on designing and writing websites and digital content to maximise responses. Since 2022, Annie has been chair of NAWIC for London and the South East.

Kirsty Callaby (Consultant)

Kirsty looks after all our graphic and creative work. She worked for some of the top west-end agencies before setting up her own practice a few years ago. A well-established and versatile creative designer, she describes her design style as clean, fresh, professional, and a little bit quirky.

Kirsty has worked with us on rebrands and a number of specific design projects. She also helped us create our own branding and imagery.

Levi-Angelique Osahon

Levi is our latest recruit, supporting the team in marketing and business development. She attained an undergraduate degree in architecture from the University of Kent and as a result, already has a great working knowledge of the built environment. With a background in graphic design, administration and brand representation, she has varied experience and skills to contribute to the team.

Levi is skilled in writing articles and social media as well as a solid understanding of business operations and being able to produce creative material that best represents brands. 





Our Ethics & Standards

Modern Slavery: we will adopt a complete zero-tolerance position on violations of anti-human trafficking and anti-modern slavery laws. This will apply to any aspect of our supply chain and partners.

Doing Good Stuff: We are committed to dedicating time to CSR activities and initiatives we believe in. As well as the ad hoc things we do, our regular activities include:

“Expertise Rocks” – The ‘little sister’ of the incredibly successful Law Rocks series. Expertise Rocks sees bands from the world of experts come together for an epic battle of the bands. Each year the event supports one main charity and each of the bands charity of choice. More info at  www.expertiserocks.com.

Our work is almost entirely paperless. We try to encourage the use of digital handouts at all the events we organise.

We’re members of the Lighthouse Club. Stuart is a mentor for Buildforce UK and a champion / fundraiser for the First 100 Years Project. We sponsor the Birkbeck College law school annual contract law essay prize.

Gadding About: unless absolutely necessary, we will fly economy class to minimise our footprint. When travelling around the UK / Europe, we’ll travel by  public transport unless it’s absolutely impossible to do so (or there’s a pandemic on!). And of course, it goes without saying that the bicycle is a preferred mode of transportation for getting around towns and cities!

Honesty and Openness: we’ll do our very best to be completely open and honest with all our clients. If you have any doubts about this, just shout, if there’s anything we’ve missed, we’ll hold our hands up!

Certification: As time progresses, it’s our intention to work to the principles of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, and will look to our suppliers and partners to ensure they implement similar standards.

We won’t tolerate any level of intolerance, be that along the lines of religion, race, sexuality or any other of the things that make the world a diverse and interesting place to be. Limeslade likes nice people – that’s all we ask of the world!

Where possible, we are working towards increasing diversity in the construction industry. Annie is a committee member for the London region of the National Association of Women in Construction. We also worked with the national team on the campaign to change the language of the JCT contract to gender neutral.

As well as the work with the First 100 Years project, Stuart sits on the CIOB London Hub’s Diversity and Inclusion panel. We’ve also worked closely with Let’s Build who support BAME professionals in the built environment.

We always challenge our clients to think about how they can encourage and support professionals from diverse backgrounds. Where we can we challenge everyone we work with to avoid hosting events without a diverse mix of speakers.

This website: We try our best to provide you with interesting and helpful articles, details of events and other information. Whilst we hope you find it useful, we cannot verify the accuracy of information provided by third parties, but will do our best to check it before publishing or linking.

Guests are welcome to use our blog and articles if they find them useful, we just ask that is you wish to share them elsewhere that you get in touch with us to let us know. And if you like it, please share a link to our site, rather than copy our amazing ideas!

Privacy: We respect your privacy, and want to look after your data.

If you are a member of our mailing list, your information may be held securely by a third-party provider in our CRM system. We will only use this information to contact you with things we think you may find interesting or relevant to your business (or cycling!). In order to help us with this, you can update your preferences here or from the link in any marketing email sent from us. You can also opt out of the mailing list by letting us know on annie@limeslade.com

Our website will not usually ask you for your personal information or contact details, unless you want to contact us, but it may collect cookies to make your life and ours easier. We don’t hand over any data to other businesses and certainly don’t sell it at all. More on cookies here or if you like your cookies edible, here.

Drop Limeslade a Line

Get in touch today and find out how Limeslade can assist you.