07939 544413 stuart@limeslade.com

Business Development Support & Mentoring

“It’s not what you know, but who you know…”


Construction & Law Marketing

Business Development:
Making Friends…

We’ve always enjoyed putting people in touch with the right people. Some folk call this ‘business development’.   

Whether it’s friends who get on well or business people who can help each other professionally – making connections is vital 

Helping people to develop their personal networks is great fun and incredibly rewarding when it works out. Let us help you find the right people to meet, build your network and ensure your business is a success. Call it coaching or mentoring, or simply business support. We’ll help you get the most from your skills and knowledge. 

BD & Networking Training & Coaching 

Almost everyone baulks at the thought of doing ‘business development’ or ‘networking’ or any of those dreaded words professionals fear most. Very few people are naturally inclined to ‘do’ business development. And the people who are naturally drawn to it aren’t the type of folk most people want to meet! 

Often members of a team are more inclined to appreciate the advice of an independent adviser. 

We’ve been there and experienced the challenges of learning how to develop a network. Drawing on experience of the past 18 years, let us help you and your team understand the benefits of building a network. We’ll help you do it without being intimidated by it.  

Business Development

BD Implementation and Support 

Would you like to do more BD? Do you find yourself bogged down by the daily grind? Take us with you, use our extensive network of contacts and let us drive your business development activities. We’ll keep on top of the meetings and activities so you don’t have to.  

The key to great BD is ‘fixing the roof while the sun shines’. Don’t wait until it’s raining and the rain is pouring in. If you’ve no work, it’s too late to get your BD strategy underway, let’s get it started today. 

Contact us for an informal chat – we might even answer your query or be able to help without you needing to pay us. If you’re lucky, we might make you one of our famous cakes, or invite you to a party or two!  


Drop Limeslade a Line

Get in touch today and find out how Limeslade can assist you.